Parker Staffing Brand Culture Compass office signage
Culture Activation

Values +


Live your values, activate your purpose, and uphold your brand promise. This unique process brings the focus and energy to unify your team around a powerful, visual expression of why and how you do what you do.

Take a Stand for Your Brand Culture.

True transformation doesn’t come from pursuing change, but by discovering the unchangeable. Successful branding and marketing doesn’t just happen; it takes a purposeful approach to defining the vision, voice, and values that you want to present to the world.

We start with a collaborative Brand Culture Compass process, where we identify the core values, attributes, and key messages that serve as the strong foundation upon which your brand culture stands. The final product is a unique visual guide that enables teams to align their actions with the mission of your organization, every day and moment by moment.

Our clients are proud of their Compasses, and often feature them prominently on the walls of their office and to support:

Brand Culture Compass example
Clients presenting their Brand Culture Compass
Core Medical Imaging Brand Culture Compass example
Parker Staffing Brand Culture Compass office signage
Anthony Metten Brand Culture Compass design
Brand Culture design examples
Bartell Drugs brand culture compass design example
Women SalesPros brand culture compass design example


Increase accountability and inspire engagement with culture clarity.


Make confident business choices, smart hires and purposeful employee evaluations.


Ensure brand voice consistency when developing campaigns.

What is a Brand Culture Compass?

The Brand Culture Compass is a unique visual guide that enables organizations and individuals to stay on a course for success by keeping clear focus on the principles and ideas that define who they are as a company and the value they provide others.

Organizations use their Compasses to make consistent strategic decisions on branding, marketing communications, product/service development, hiring and other areas where it is crucial to align on a strong foundation of core brand values, attributes and key messages.

The Brand Culture Compass describes your Brand Promise from the inside out. The Purpose in the center circle is why your organization exists - or why you operate the way you do. The Core Values describe how you go about realizing that purpose. The Brand Pillars are what you are recognized for providing to clients and colleagues.

Brand Culture Compass logo design

Define your brand culture with your customer in mind.It starts from within. Keep it simple. Make sure it is true.

Why = purpose
How = core values
What = brand pillars
Who = key messages

A Brand Culture Compass guides internal decisions, unifies external messages and ensures brand culture authenticity.