ShiftUp collaborative working session in office
Culture Activation

Full Team


Get on the same page.

Culture is the shared experience of your brand. Aligning the purpose of your organization with the hearts and minds of your people is how belonging is created. We help organizations engage their teams with confidence rooted in shared values that power a clear and inclusive vision.

People and priorities working together.

The Full Team Ahead custom workshops are designed to get people on the same page and working together. Starting with a belonging assessment and discovery, we uncover needs and define key strategies to motivate and engage your company culture.

Brand Culture Compass example
Clients presenting their Brand Culture Compass
Core Medical Imaging Brand Culture Compass example
Parker Staffing Brand Culture Compass office signage
Anthony Metten Brand Culture Compass design
Brand Culture design examples
Bartell Drugs brand culture compass design example
Women SalesPros brand culture compass design example

Brand Culture Compass

A visual tool that aligns your “why,” “how” and “what” to guide your organization as you live your values, activate purpose and uphold your brand promise. Bring focus, integration and energy to your team.

Start with a Brand Culture Compass
Coworkers participating in a company culture workshop
Woman participating in a Trust Tower culture workshop
Happy coworkers celebrating their Trust Tower culture workshop
Coworkers happily participating in a culture workshop

Trust Tower

This brand culture activation activity (in person or virtual) fully engages your teams by building trust through self expression and collaboration.

People conversing at the ShiftUp office
People at a ShiftUp office coworking session
People celebrating their ValYous

Educational Workshops

This brand culture activation activity (in person or virtual) fully engages your teams by building trust through self expression and collaboration.

Learn about Be Your More Coaching

Culture Scaling

A strong culture increases net income 756% over eleven years, according to a Harvard study of more than two hundred companies. Every person you add to your company sustains or lowers that percentage.

If you’re successful, you’ve probably already done some scaling to a degree. You’ve added people to your company to multiply your output, and have added to the diversity of skill areas to increase your company’s ability to get shift done.

It pays to carve out time for proactive coaching and strategy to support your leaders to coach their people.

Imagine your people pulling together in shared purpose, excited to change the world through what your company offers. Here are some of our tools and programs:

People participating in a ValYous conference
People celebrating their ValYous
People at a ShiftUp office party
Brand Culture Summit logo

Working with your team, we will plan and facilitate a company-wide event to unite and celebrate your common vision, voice and values to create a shared experience. This brand culture activation activity (in person or virtual) fully engages your people by building trust through self expression and collaboration. It features the Trust Tower workshop to understand individual and collective sentiment to either inform/validate the Brand Culture Compass for the organization. Depending on the goals, a ChangeMap and a Brand Messaging Playbook might be shared as part of the Summit.


Building blocks of a strong company culture

Strengthen culture, and engage employees to become more confident and responsive to changes in your business and the market.

Align Purpose

Communicate your vision, voice, and values with confidence.

Create Belonging

Ritualize core values to activate a culture built on trust.

Empower People

Scale culture with respect to individual needs and support for their growth.
