What’s the purpose of your business?
Why do your customers connect with you?
What differentiates your business from its competitors?
These are all questions every company, organization, and individual must ask in order to get clear on what the core of their brand represents.
In this fast-paced world, everyone from Fortune 500 companies to teenagers on Instagram are projecting a brand. However, there’s a difference between just projecting a brand and building a brand that connects.
Winning brands have soul.
Yes a brand includes a logo, tagline, color scheme, and imagery. But at its core, a brand is so much more.
A brand that has soul shares a passion with its customers. A brand with soul finds ways to connect with consumers on an authentic level. A brand with soul aligns itself within communities to further cultivate soulful connections.
Your brand is the personality behind your business.
“Soul branding” goes beyond its products. It builds a bridge between the values of its customers and fosters a community of like-minded individuals to further its mission. Consumers are demanding more authenticity and transparency from brands before deciding to align themselves with a company’s products and services.
By getting clear on the bigger picture and defining an authentic brand, you’ll come out ahead of the game. So how can you begin defining or redefining your brand? Here are a few helpful tips:
1. Define your ideal customer persona.
2. What are your brand values?
3. How and why do these values resonate with your customers?
4. What difference do you want your business to make?
5. What motivates you?
6. Dig deeper and ask “why” after each statement.
The effect of purpose-driven messaging is the key to growing your businesses and increasing your social impact.
By authentically telling a story with your brand, you are inadvertently connecting with your target audience. The story you align your brand with is the most essential foundation your business will ever carve out for itself.
Are you ready to take a stand for your brand?